The control environment of the Group is based on the corporate principles and values. In operative units the Group-level instructions are observed, including among others guidelines for book-keeping and reporting as well as principles for risk management and internal control relating to financial reporting. President and CEO and the directors of different functions are responsible for arranging adequate control actions, as well as training related to the observance of instructions in their units. Moreover, they shall are responsible for ensuring that bookkeeping and administration in their own areas of responsibility comply with the laws, Group’s operating principles and the instructions and orders given by the Board of Directors at Incap Corporation. The related control actions are operational instructions and practices, which ensure the implementation of the management’s orders. These actions include, for instance, approvals, authorisations, inspections, balancing, performance monitoring, protection of property and division of tasks.
Own operations in the company are monitored continuously also by means of separate evaluations, such as internal audits and audits of the accounts, supplier audits made by customers, as well as external and internal quality audits.
Control of financial reporting is performed by the Board of Directors, the auditors, President and CEO, Group’s management team and the Group’s finance departments. The monitoring is done continuously, as a part of daily duties or on specific assignment.
The Group aims at integrating control in all daily operations. Efficient internal control presupposes that the duties at job are divided in an appropriate manner and that eventual risky combinations of duties are eliminated. Tools for control are among others the Group-level instructions, checkpoints of financial reporting, instructions for book-keeping and reporting as well as the Group’s regular business reviews.
The Group has no specific organisation for internal auditing due to the scope of its business. The internal audit is organised so that the needed audit service is acquired from an external auditing service provider selected by the Group’s Board of Directors. The service provider, usually an authorised public accountant, shall be independent, competent and fitted with adequate resources.