A society can be defined as a company or association of persons who come together to deliberate, determine and act jointly for some common purpose by mutual consent. According to the Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, “society may be constituted by any seven or more persons associated for any literary, scientific or charitable purpose or for any such purpose mentioned in section 20 of this Act, The name of a Memorandum of Association, and filing it with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies makes itself into a Society under this Act. Want to Register a Society? Obtain your Society Registration by availing of our Premium Offers Contact us for
Society Registration Services in Purnea, Bihar
Trust Registration
In India, trusts are administered by the Indian Trust Act. A trust is, basically, a monetary vehicle that exchanges a property from its proprietor to a trust for any legitimate reason.
NGO/Society Registration
Trust, Society and Non profit Company. In India non profit organisations/ public charitable organisations (NGO) can be registered as trusts, societies, or a private limited non profit company, under section-8.
Co-operative Registration
Register your Co-operative. A very simple definition of a co-operative would be to say it is a business where a group of people get together voluntary to address their common needs.
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